Remember Mark’s and my shaweet date night to P.F. Changs? Well, it wouldn’t have happened without our cool friends, the Hopples, who gladly take on our 3 kids overnight to add to their 3 (soon to be 4) kids so that we can take a deep breath (and dote on Lydia alone).
Well, Friday night was our turn to take on the troops. If you can take the sheer volume, it’s an awesome time. 7 is honestly easier than 4—for a night, at least.
And, just when we thought the weekend couldn’t get more exciting, we bought a new car (well, new to us. It’s a 2006).
But, I know Mark needed one. Apparently, having no air conditioning and a rusted out bottom so that your feet got wet when it rained was no longer making him feel like he had a decent ride. So, we said goodbye to the old Jeep Cherokee and said hello to a Subaru something or other.
You know what though–it’ll stay clean since the kids will primarily ride in my swagger wagon and throw all their twizzler wrappers, fruit snack bags, and leftover pretzel sticks (which they subsequently will step on) on my floor (not to mention the leaking sippy cups and gazillion stickers stuck to the window next to Drew’s seat).

Aw! Goodbye Jeep! We’ll wave “Hello” to the Subaru the next time we drive by! Thanks for keeping the kids. We finally got to PF Changs on Friday night! And somehow Ashlyn’s dress was in our bag, so I have to return that to you soon! Email me and let me know how everyone did!
My fav is the ‘New car smell!’ *sigh* enjoy it while it lasts (-:
Great story and great photos to remember the old Jeep by.
Nice wheels! I know what you mean about saying goodbye to a vehicle that has long been with the family, regardless of the ‘wear and tear’ it may be holding. But your hubby’s new ride does look awfully nice!! I love the huge moonroof in Martin’s car, too. Fun! And I love that the kids’ favorite feature is the cup holder… too cute!
What a hoot! Love the new car, but can relate to the difficulty in saying goodbye to the old one.
What a great idea to swap kids for a little special time every once in a while. Awesome.
If you’re not in love with the subaru…you will be!! We too said goodbye to our Cherokee….when Craig threw a rod on the blue route! We replaced it with an older, and very dorky forester. LOVE IT! WISH THEY MADE A MINI VAN!!!!
happy low maintenance and high mileage to you!!!
Love the blue color too!!!
Ohhhh! New car smell? the best! very nice
Love the car. Also love the idea of swapping kids for one night. Now if I could just find a friend that would be interested in doing the trade thing for one night….
Nice car! LIke you idea of swapping kids for one night. Now if I just just find a friend that will go along.
OH, love it, love it!!! :)
Oops…hit send too quickly!!! Are you loving that new car smell? I know what you mean about seeing the old car go, but something about the new car smell wipes that all away for me!!! :)
What a blessing to have friends to help with your littles for date night! I love the “new car” smell too… every once in awhile when I head to the big city, I will take my 10 year old mini van that had endured many children, spills, pretzels, and foods of all other types to one of those detailing places and get the cheapest package I can that might make a little difference in the stains, crumbs, etc. I always choose the “new car” scent which makes my hubby laugh because one the smell screams “new car:)”
Yay for date nights!! We don’t have any friends that live close enough to babysit…. boy do I wish we did! We have to pay $20/hr. for a babysitter with as man kiddos as we have ;)
And yay for the new car, too :)