Labor Day Weekend — Family Camp at Young Life’s Lake Champion
We look forward to it year round with good reason.
Our kids competing against another family’s three kiddos during field games. Our kids lost. But, who cares when you can move right over to the batting competition and a family pyramid race and a wrestling competition in a stack of tubes.
Lydia loved strutting around the camp and did great in a bunk room of ladies in her pack and play.
She slept through each night with no problem (getting up early and staying up late helped with that, I think).
That’s our 4 year old nephew blobbing. He rocks.
Tubing pretty much rules.
as do ziplines.
Here’s my brave 6 year old girl–doesn’t look too hard, right? Well, look how high she was.
She did great. I was a little nervous.
Little Miss Center of Attention. Jenna (in yellow) was adopted from China about 11 years ago as a baby. Pretty cool.
And, here we are on the screamer swing…screaming.
Now, back to real life. We made school lunches already and got the backpacks ready for tomorrow.
But, it’s not too early to think about next year…anybody want to come with us?
Pick me! Pick me! I wanna come! I mentioned to Matt that I wanted to do a family camp with the girls once they are older. Looks like a blast. What great memories you made!
ummmmm Yeah!!!!
wow! wow! wow! What a blast! Glad you had a great weekend…mine wasn’t nearly as fun, but I did get an extra day of vacation so I won’t complain!
Loved seeing those pictures! Looks like fun!
What a Blast! What cool parents you are to make this trip for your family! Very, very cool. Instilled lots of confidence and trust in they to!
I have to admit though–I’d be the big scared-y cat! I remember wanting to cross a part of our brook to play on the brook bank with my older brother–and was too scared to cross the deep water. I thought it was too deep for me. I’ll never forget my Dad assuring me, “I love you Lisa, would I ever ask you to do something I thought would hurt you?” Yeah–I learned to trust in a new way. They too…you’re such wonderful parents.
OH MY GOODNESS, how much fun!! Please give me details, that looks like a BLAST!
I can’t believe Ashlyn did the high ropes thing, I remember Tony freaking out many many years ago on that. We’d love to go with you guys again one year. I think our kids would love it.
Stacey V
That looked like so much fun! I want to go next year!! I tell ya what, we will come with you guys to family camp and you can come with us to the beach. Sound good?
SIGN US UP!!!!! That look slike a blast (ok, minus the high ropes course- Ashlyn, are you CRAZY????)
WOW- what a great memory! I SO know why your kids love it!!!!
Oh my word! I want to come!!!! Looks like it redefined the term FUN!!!
Oh Kelly, you made me chuckle when you said you hadn’t blogged in 5 days….between E and our move, I think I may be well on my way to earning the worst blogger of the year award ;o)
Hope you guys are having a beautiful week! That crazy email about not having internet was from me….sorry it’s been a while since I responded, life has just been upside down in a good way, but crazy :o) The site is beautiful though!!!
I want to go….I’ve told Dh that Family Camp? So need to do that with the kids. :)
Wow, That looks like a lot of fun! You will have to give us the details next year.