Longwood Gardens is such a beautiful place to visit. But, it may be more beautiful without 4 kids. Did I just write that? I was picturing the kids running ahead and Mark and I walking hand in hand and talking about our family and ideas for a new venture we’re working on. But, that’s not exactly how it turned out.
A sunny 89 degree day, greenhouses (don’t forget the meaning of the term “greenhouse effect”), and kids who want to go different directions (including a toddler who was very angry that a large fountain was not for swimming) = a mama speaking shortly, trying to point out beautiful plants and flowers in a bit of a harsh voice.
Oh well. Life with 4 kids under 8 years old, I guess.
Notice there are no pictures of me. I was too busy pushing a stroller with Drew in it, kicking the buggy board on the back while I walked with no one on it, chasing Lydia running around, and helping Evan and Ashlyn complete some kids’ activity book about scents. (Mark was with me too, but all this was really a 2 person job. No pictures of either of us.) I was sweating glistening too much anyway.
I managed to capture some good pics though–and if you looked at just those, you’d probably hear a different story than the one I just described.
This fountain clearly wasn’t a swimming pool–though I’m fairly certain that Lydia would have made it one had we given her the chance.
I didn’t make Lydia keep this headband on the whole day (Mark never would have let me. He protests large hair accessories on the girls. Fooey on him.). Had to have it on for at least one picture with purple flowers though.
Drew telling stories about Hector the very interesting dog to his siblings. Note how captivated Evan and Ashlyn look by the story.
This is Drew a moment later when his siblings got up and moved on to go through a pretend bee hive. Poor, pathetic Drew. He was smiling moments later though–don’t worry about this little monkey.
My favorite picture of the day. I’m in trouble in about 7 years. Ugh. That’s not that long. Perhaps I should cherish these crazy days a bit more.
Lady Chen enjoying the gardens. She may be short, but she’s getting a bit of a belly on her (as seen in the profile shot). American food (aka chocolate chip waffles and french fries) must be doing the trick.
Another favorite picture, capturing a moment of sibling love.
I am pretty sure that climbing trees is against the Longwood code of honor. Sorry.
4 happy kids, made happier by chicken and fries on the way home.
Okay, looking at these pictures is changing the way I’m remembering the day already. It wasn’t so bad after all. When can we go again?

I’m just absolutely loving the bows!!! Ally stopped wearing them some time ago, so make them wear them while u can….it won’t be much longer!!!
Look at all those smiles. What fun – thanks for sharing!
I have no idea what you’re talking about, they all look angelic *wink*
Gorgeous pics!!!
Hey whatever it takes (chicken & fries!) I think they were good sports to let you take the pics you got ;)
You KNOW how much I support large hair accessories on small girls – the bigger, the better (& I am not even southern!)
Love it! Love the honesty. Love the humor. Love the hairbow most of all. Why don’t the husbands see how CUTE they are?? (Matt fails to see the cuteness of A’s gigantic flower headband!)
I love Longwood gardens! I went 1 time while visiting a friend in West Chester. So much fun!
The pics are so sweet…love those kids!