First day of school 2009
Last day of School 2010
That’s it. No one is allowed to get any bigger. The next person to grow an inch is going in time out. I’m simply putting my foot down. These four are not allowed to gain a pound, grow a shoe size, or learn a new vocabulary word. No one is allowed to tell me Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is for babies. They must still request for me to hold them even if I tell them my back hurts. They must climb into our bed each morning, and if they don’t, they are going to get it. I mean it.
If only it were that easy.
At least I still get this when she comes home and sees me Lydia.
Can’t believe I am now mother to a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and a PreK-er. At least, Lydia’s still home with me for a while. (sigh)
Yup, yup and yup. Time, just slow down already!
Ha! I already know the feeling. I know it’s good for them to grow up, but does it have to be so quickly?!
I know how you feel. Looks like Ashlyn grew the most. Oh it is so hard and makes you just want to rewind time.
Sorry to validate it, but they do look so much bigger, and just as adorable. I must remind myself to NOT compare our pictures – if our end of school ever comes! One more week.
I love the ‘off the bus’ picture, priceless.
What a good idea to take a pic first day and then last day of school. DUH! Why didn’t I do that??? U can really see just how big they’ve gotten in really a short period of time! WOW! Love the post. Too cute!
Oh, I have a smiliar post in que for tomorrow! can’t time just stop? Doesn’t it help to pray that? hahaaa..I certainly LOVE the look of FOUR kids on your steps.
Love the update on Lyds – so thrilled to hear her VSD may not need surgical intervention. I could drink in her eyes all day – how do you get anything done!?
LOVE the picture- Drew in the first day of school shot is HYSTERICAL….and then to see Lydia in the last day of school shot! Just awesome.
But, I’m with you, this should be the year we stop time……
Know exactly how you feel except I have a 20, 18, and 14… so thankful for my 5 and soon to be 3 year old!!!
God is so good!
Agreed! I too wish it was that easy! They are all growing up too darn fast!
I must say–that first picture of the three of them is the best picture I’ve seen yet. They are all doing things that seem (from what I know of them through you blog) that are so IN PERSONALITY!
OK–Lydia is adorable–that dress is precious! As always.
And that finale with Ashlyn running off the bus is soooo sweet!
It’s a good life–indeed!
Oh my word! They have grown! In number and size!!!
When you figure out to stop them from growing, PLEASE let me know! It is amazing to me how Lydia just FITS in with her siblings…it’s PERFECT!