Since it dawned on us on Thursday that it was Memorial Day weekend and we had no plans at all (this is what having 4 children may do to you), we had to make some fun plans. It started with Chinatown on Saturday and then ended with an official Lego party today. This is a Lego party according to our family (we just created it today).
First, we headed out to the Lego store at the mall. Evan, Ashlyn, and Drew got little plastic containers (that look like legos themselves) and got to fill them with any lego blocks they wanted from this wall. Pretty darn fun. We helped them pick (yes, we helped. we couldn’t miss out on the fun! and, we had to make sure they chose wisely. Drew said he was done when he first filled his entire container with ladders) control panels, doors, a lego cabinet piece with a door, propellers, windows, steps…lots of cool pieces.
Then, we headed over to the Lego person station and each of them designed their own person. Ashlyn did a cute girl with a pony tail, Evan made a spaceship driver with a scary face, and Drew made a “mean doctor” (a skeleton face with a doctor’s uniform…um, scary).
They admired all the lego creations around the store–there are all different creations inside those round windows.
All the while, Lydia just hung out in the stroller. Sorry, Lyds, you are too little for legos.
Then, we headed over to Ruby’s Diner for an Oreo Cookie Fantasy milkshake (Evan’s fave) and root beer floats…and a few saltines (again, sorry, Lyds).
After that, we headed home to the dining room lego playroom (my center piece is currently a 4 ft. long lego city we have all created and keep adding to). There, each kid dumped their bucket out and had to make something out of all the pieces they got. Evan made a spaceship on his own–and totally stuck to the rules (as usual). Drew made a triple decker car with Daddy’s help. And, Ashlyn made a cool car with nearly 100 control panels with my help. And, well, we cheated a little and had to go to the pile of other legos to find pieces to complete our project. Then, the judging began. I perused the creations and asked questions about each piece. Then, I printed out award certificates on the computer and we had a ceremony complete with the pledge of allegiance (while I waved a large American flag in our living room) and a singing of the Mickey Mouse Club theme song (no ceremony is complete without this). Evan won for best use of the pieces purchased today. Drew won for the most pieces used/biggest creation. Ashlyn won for the most detailed and most control panels used. Everyone had a ball. Evan told us, “I had a million, million, 100 fun today!” (translation: “That was so fun today!”)
That is seriously impressive!
great idea Kelly! Nathan just got many Star Wars lego sets for his Birthday. We will be busy building those for a while.
I’m duly impressed! Wow! Great work!
We(or I) LOVE Legos. We were there on Saturday. Did you get any of the special edition mini figures? or were they sold out? They were behind the desk and you pick one but don’t know what it is. Sarah and Joshua couldn’t wait to open theirs.
We too love that Lego store. Both our boys celebrated their birthdays there followed by cake at the Cheesecake Factory.
What a great weekend!
I am not sure if you are aware (I wasn’t until recently) June 1 is Children’s Day in China. Maybe this Lego thing could be a yearly Children’s Day tradition.
You guys are the best parents EVER!!! I would have loved to have seen your ceremony!!!
Soooo creative! I love your idea of a Lego party! Way to go, momma!
Evan’s right. That does sound like a million, million 100 fun!
I want to come to your house and play!!!
Lydia’s picture is amazing,,,,are you even getting a little bit used to having that beautiful little girl around yet? Love the finger sucking. Precious!!!
very fun! Very creative day! Sometimes the unplanned days are the best–I always thought so!
I LOVE this idea! LOVE it! You guys come up with the BEST ideas! I’m totally stealing this (and with my kids at least, I am passing it off as my own thankyouverymuch! ;) )
Very nice creations!
What a great family day. And for the record, Ruby’s is. THE. BEST. We love it – and every time we are at the CHOP satellite clinic there, we hit Ruby up for her yummy fries, burgers, onion rings, shakes, whatever. We’ve never been unhappy with one of their offerings! I hadn’t heard of the Lego store though – something to think about on a rainy day. Thanks.