Right now, it’s 1:35pm Wednesday our time (1:35am Wednesday morning your time). I hesitated to post anything today at all because I’d like to not remember it. But, gotta keep it real, right?
You know those big buses overflowing with Chinese people that own the road, squeezing out any car in their way? We feel like we got hit by one…or two. Mark and I both are so sick–not only are our stomachs a wreck but we can barely move. It has sucked the life out of us. We had to postpone our trip to Baoji today to visit Lydia’s orphanage. We are praying that we are better enough tomorrow to make it then. It’s so important to me. All day so far today, we have just laid in bed with Lydia between us playing. Mark managed to muster up enough strength to go find me a coke and some dry toast for all of us. Other than that, we’ve barely moved.
I have followed blogs of other traveling adoptive families for years. I recall reading posts when they have said they were anxious to come home. I thought, “Really? This is a once in a lifetime trip. Enjoy it!” But, here I am, not even halfway through our trip, and I just want to come home. I didn’t feel like this yesterday, so I’m guessing it’s just because we are so sick. But, it’s hard emotionally to be here so ill and not have any conveniences of home. Just finding a coke was a challenge. I sure could use some encouragement. I feel so weak right now.
Lydia is doing so well though, and I have to say that even though I hate the fact that I’m lying in bed right now and our only form of passing the time is making up English words to go with the Chinese news broadcast (for the record, Mark is pretty funny at this), I’m glad she had the day to just play in the room. She’s coming out of her shell a little bit more, smiling a little more readily, making a little bit more noise. She still is not very active. If you put her on the bed, she just stays there where you planted her. Though we have practiced walking some (see the picture from yesterday when all was well), we have yet to see her crawl which we were told she does “very well.” But, I guess she will do this more as she gets more secure with us. We have noticed that even with me cutting a larger hole in a fast flow bottle nipple, she sweats a lot when she takes her bottle. Anyone else experience this?
As we were laying here moaning a little bit earlier, Mark said, “I’m glad we’re doing this.” I said, “What? Laying here sick as dogs?” He answered, “No, I’m glad we’re bringing her home.” I am too. I have to keep remembering that as I get discouraged. She’s worth all this no doubt.
Dear Evan – we heard the big news that you lost your tooth! We thought that thing might come out while we were gone! Hope Supertooth was able to make it to the beach to give you some money for it! Dear Ash – thanks for taking such good care of your brothers. I heard you have been very helpful. Dear Drew – we miss you, and Daddy can’t wait to wrestle with you soon. Enjoy your last 2 days with Nanma and Granddaddy before Grammy comes. We love you all.
I am so sorry you guys are sick! I will start praying for healing to happen quickly.
And Lydia….wow! She is just precious!! She has the prettiest smile!
Oh, Kelly, I am so sorry to hear you are all so sick! I was thinking about you at 4:00AM this morning. I was laying there awake, so I started praying for all of you because the Lord just brought you to my mind….I guess now I know why. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be away from home- never mind in a place as completely foreign as China when you are THAT sick. I’m thankful Lydia is not adding to the stress by being high-maintenance! Praise God for that!
I will absolutely be praying that God will heal you quickly so that you can go to visit Lydia’s orphanage tomorrow! Hang in there!!!
Oh Kelly and Mark, I am so sorry to hear you got “the bug”. It does knock you on your fanny for a couple days, but hopefully you’ll bounce back quickly. I don’t know if it’s a water issue, but are you rinsing your toothbrushes in the tap water? We always put our toothbrushes in a cup of Listerine with alcohol to rinse them, and only used bottled water. I know you’re probably already only using bottled water…it could just be some of the prepared food you’ve eaten at a restaurant. I do hope this passes soon! If I may add one sidenote to at least try to give you a smile, Katie Mei is fascinated with the picture of Lydia in front of the play house on your blog page. Every morning when I check your blog, she tells me she has a play house, too. But for some reason today she really want’s Lydia’s play house. This morning she told me she wants the “pink play house” even though she has her own (her’s has red shutters…guess that’s not good enough). She cannot wait to get in my lap to see Lydia’s play house every day.
Feel better soon! You still have a lot to do~
I am so sorry that you are feeling lousy. I know you want to soak up your daughter’s culture while you are there. I will pray that God strengthens your body to allow you to visit the orphanage.
Lydia is such a sweetie. I know she is well loved.
Hang in there!! I too was so sick the day after adoption day. Maybe it’s the air or getting used to the food ect…Praying you both are on the mend soon!!
I’m sorry to hear you guys are so sick. Hang in there, you will be home soon. Praise God that Lydia was feeling well while you are sick.
Praying for you to be well soon and can enjoy the rest of your trip.
Tha Verguldi’s
So sorry to hear you guys are sick. Greg and I each had a day where we didn’t feel great, hopefully yours will pass as quickly as ours did. Anna seemed to sweat some in China with her bottle, but doesn’t as much since we’re home. I actually think we made them a little too hot for her while we were there. Glad to hear Lydia is doing good…she is adorable! Feel better!
aww…hang in there. First it was her turn to feel bad, not yours. Hard I am sure. Like I said you are not too far off the run of the mill new parents experience. Although I am sure you wish you could have done without this one…at least you have Mark experiencing it along with you this time. :) or not…
I love the new pictures. The one with Lydia walking is SO CUTE! and of course I love the one with you and her…I believe you have a picture with each of your kiddos now in this same pose. Very sweet.
We hope you feel better and that Lydia continues to feel better. Glad you have medicine to take. We are thinking about you all the time. CANNOT WAIT for oyu to get home…as I am sure you are feeling the same way, or were when you wrote this post.
oh no!! What do you think brought all this on? Do you think it was food related? Please let us know what to “avoid”!!! So sorry you guys are sick. There is nothing worse than stomach issues 6 thousand miles from your own bed!!! Wish we could fed ex some phenagren to you!
Hi guys,
I just wanted to tell you we got sick after we ate at the dumpling place Da fa chang. Wonderful food, but it didn’t agree with us that night.
I was hit worse. Our guide gave us common stomach medicine (immodium????) and it cleared up less that 24 hours, quicker for Kevin.
I wondered about it when I read your post but figured we had weak stomachs.
Anyway, not sure of the time frame of when you got sick and when you ate, but I thought it worth mentioning.
Neither Jake nor our guide got sick (she went there to eat again the next day.)
Oh my gosh, Kelly!! Right now in between word here, I’m praying for you guys. I am so sorry. At first I thought you HAD gotten hit by a bus! LOL…sorta. :0P
It will pass. It will pass. The “ick” has to work it’s way out and it will. I’m praying that you will feel much better when you wake today, and renew you excitement to be on this trip.
Indeed Lydia is worth it. Sounds like you guys are keeping a good attitude by making up words for TV.
What a blessing Lydia is doing so well. It is sad she sort of goes into a ‘mode’ just to lay there on the bed. I’m sure it won’t be long before she’s pulling all the pots and pans out of the cupboard. :0) She’ll probably fall in line with her siblings and blossom and shine.
Praying for you!!!
Oh, Kelly. I’m sorry you guys are sick. If you picked it up from Lydia, maybe it will be short-lived. She was better the next day, right? I’ll be praying for you guys to feel better soon, so you can enjoy the rest of this experience!
That picture of you and Lydia is just precious!
So sorry you two are sick. There is nothing worse!!! So thankful Lydia is not sick… I am praying you feel better today and God will give energy that you can’t believe you have. So thankful your precious Lydia will just sit and play. She is just the sweetest baby!!!
Praying all day!
Oh Kelly!!! So sorry to hear YOU too are sick-=-it’s actually not too big a surprise to you I”m sure–as you are in VERY tight quarters there! Hare to not pass it around!
I wish I had a remedy for you. Geez…this is awful. I was sick–but it wasn’t the same–just a cold–but it didn’t change our plans like yours is…oh my! Then I think–God is in all the details!!! And as hard as being sick is–I think God knew Lydia needed more time bonding with you before returning to the only thing that felt secure to her in her life. So…that’s my word of encouragement. As excited as you are–I know you know this can be tough for these little ones–and this time–as a family–no over stimulation just love and attention and dotting–no matter how sick you are will be a BLESSING. I hope you’re seeing her solidify that bond with you by the time you get this email/comment.
As is going according to Plan–just not your plan–as I know you would have it–God’s Plan. I know you trust him and that is what you hang your heart and peace on.
And I fully agree with you and Mark–“I am so glad you’re doing this too!” It is amazing–another beautiful orphan gets the gift of a family and you get the gift of an orphan’s love (immeasurable)!
Hang in there Kelly! Keep smiling! And order some room service!!!
I like you didn’t understand the “need to go home” when it’s a once in a lifetime experience–I didn’t suck it all in any less–you just really miss HOME and that’s so natural it’s un-avoidable. So…don’t be afraid to feel what should be as natural as eating and sleeping–missing home–your safe place. I also remember thinking this is a little taste of what our Izabella will go through when she is at home with us. I’m so sure she missed all the smells, sounds, sights, and language of her birth country.. I thought–“I get it.” :) Just a thought.
On the bottle and sweating–Izabella sweat a lot as well when taking her formula. The formula is warm and I think that warmed her up–hence sweating. nother to worry about though. I don’t think. Others might know something I don’t. izabella also sweated a lot when she slept, but now it seems she’s adjusted to our climate and not waking up sweating like crazy. Or maybe it’s her diet–lots of yoguart…:) A tip from a BTDT mom.
Love and God Bless–Hugs from Iowa!
PS–those dimples are amazing!!! How stinkin’ cute is that! An unexpected blessing for you–since you hadn’t seen a smile on her face until you had her in your arms. :)
GATORADE…Did you bring the powder form? The sometimes sale it in the stores….anyhow, i got sick there in BEijing…miss out on some stuff becausese of it…gatorade was my savior!…
Try to broth from the soup too, that helped me!
Good luck, it is rough, i got threw it-you will to!
“If HE brings you to it, HE will bring you THREW it!’
Oh Kelly, that stinks that you are all sick. We will DEFINITELY pray for you, right away! I want the rest of your trip to be memorable and filled with good memories, not spent feeling miserable and cooped up in your bed. I think it’s so neat that God placed you on Jenna’s heart in the middle of the night. I take that as a sign that He WILL deliver you from this sickness SOON! By Jesus’ stripes, you WERE healed! PTL!! <>< Hang in there and get better fast, so you can enjoy that precious little peanut of yours…she is a DOLL BABY!!! :) Hugs,
Ok, so far your journey has resembled ours almost exactly:) We were both so sick the first few days we had Libby. I feel so badly for you! It’s heartbreaking to want to bond with your new daughter and see her province when you are stuck in bed. I hope you guys feel better soon! Just know that looking back you tend to remember the good vs. the bad. I forget how sick and miserable we were until I go back and read my old blog posts.
You guys are doing great, and what a little trooper you have! I love the picture of her standing and walking…too cute!
Feel better soon!
Praying for you! This is one of the reasons I hesitated to take any of my children with me, just in case any of us got sick…it is hard enough at home to be sick!!
In truth, maybe the quiet time to get adjusted is good for her. I sometimes think we pack too much in and the go, go, go adds to the little one’s anxiety.
God Bless. She is beautiful.
God bless both of you! I was sick while on our first trip to Russia! It was the worst! You just want to be home!
I hope you guy’s get back on your feet soon! Lydia is so cute!
Oh dear! So sorry to hear this. Praying for a fast recovery!
Oh – I’m so sorry you guys aren’t feeling well. Continuing to pray for you all – through the highs and lows! Hang in there!
Oh sweetie, hope you guys feel better soon. It’s so hard already and then to be sick on top of it.
Miss Lydia is absolutely perfect. Sorry it took me so long to get over here and say “hi”. BTW, I love that first pic you posted of you and Lydia, so sweet! So glad to finally see her in your and Mark’s arms. Please feel better soon my friend.
Hope that it is very temporary, and that you are already feeling better when you read this!
Oh, I am so sorry that you guys were so sick, that is so hard to be away from home and be feeling that bad. I will pray that you have had a much better day today – and that you are enjoying every second of your precious Lydia. I bet some wonderful moments were shared with her as you were all “stuck” in the room together. hugs from PA!
Oh no! Say it isn’t so! I am sorry you both are ill. That is the pits, to say the least. I am praying for your speedy recovery. I wish there was more I could do for you.