Less than two weeks ago, we lost a woman in our church to cancer. We are in a small church, in a close body, a body who will feel the loss significantly. As my husband led the prayer last Sunday in our worship service, in light of her homegoing, he read the following passage of scripture:
John 14:2-4 — “There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.”
As I listened to Mark read God’s word, I couldn’t help but consider the last 6 weeks of our lives since we saw Lydia for the first time. Everyday has involved some sort of preparations. I’ve purchased bottles, some tiny clothes and shoes, and a couple toys. We’ve rearranged furniture and put together a crib. We’ve gotten rid of things to make room for her things. We’ve cleaned, organized, and painted. We’ve researched what we need to do for her once she comes home. We dream about her, picture her with us, and talk about her often. We’ve been preparing our children for their sister as best we can. We’ve also been making packing lists and notes and preparations for the trip itself to bring her home. And, we’ve sent her and her caretakers a package to prepare her and them for our bringing her home. And, we have prayed for her and prayed for her and enlisted others to pray for her.
And, every preparation has been a joy. How we long to see all of our efforts come to fruition soon!
So, then I think about the Lord Jesus Christ who has promised to prepare to place for us in Heaven. I’ve heard this Scripture many times; perhaps it’s too familiar to me, too casual. But, I am viewing it now in a deeper way. He has allowed me to get a glimpse of what He is doing for each one of His children, for me. If I am so actively preparing for our daughter Lydia, how much more is He preparing for us to live with Him for eternity? What a comfort and encouragement to know that He loves me more even than I love my own children and desires to spend eternity with me. Even now, the angels rejoice over me and look forward to my arrival. He is even now preparing a place for me and preparing me for when I will see Him face to face.
Thankful today that Sandy is with her maker and enjoying His presence and all of the ways He has prepared a perfect place for her.
Beautiful post, Kelly!
Beautifully written. How true!
Kelly! What an incredible analogy. We are so blessed to have connected with your family in this most wonderful way. S.
Thanks, Kelly! What a great comparison – we are His adopted children, aren’t we?!?! …”he[a] predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will” Eph. 1:5.
I needed to read this today! Thanks.
Kelly- that is beautiful. Thank you for the reminder.
Kelly…..that is an incredible insight. I have never thought of it that way, but it is yet another REALLY great analogy between adoption and God’s plan for us!!! WOW! That will give me lots to think about for a few days.
Thank you for putting my life in perspective when I need a little reminder from time to time.