I am still selling packs of cards if there are any more interested buyers! I have a couple new designs that I added including a cute spring gardening one and a ladybug design. Check them out and let me know!
Philly Area mom, Life forever changed by adoption
When do you expect your TA?
Yes, we are going to have a website on the My Adoption Website. Nara is going with us so she is going to keep up with the updates. We should have the website complete in the next two weeks. I will post the link. Please follow along.
I have started trying to pack but really have no idea her size. We have only received one update and they reported that she was twenty pounds. I have a hard time believing she is that big. In all of the pictures that we have she is layered in clothes so I think she might weight 20 pounds with all of those clothes.
We have delayed our travel by two weeks so it backs up to Rick’s conference in Hawaii. It was a lot cheaper to do a multi city ticket then just to fly home and then send him back to Hawaii. Let me know when you get your travel approval. Elena at Living Hope told me that she thought your group would be traveling very close to the same time as us.