It’s the 31st, and I have yet to post anything about Christmas besides the post I made on Christmas morning as we remembered our little girl who we have yet to even know.
I’m preparing to transform myself into Pussy Galore for the 007 themed New Year’s Party we’re heading to in a couple hours. So, this post will have to be short. I’ve got red lipstick to put on, big hair to make, and fake eyelashes to apply!
We have always done 3 gifts for our children for our Christmas, symbols of the three gifts of the wise men. We read the Christmas story to them on Christmas Eve and draw special attention to the gifts the magi presented to Jesus. As they have gotten older, we spend more time talking about the gifts themselves and what they symbolize. We tell them about the myrrh and that it was an oil used to anoint someone; some see this is a symbol of Jesus’ suffering and, ultimately, His death on the cross. We tell them about the frankincense, a sweet perfume that was experiential for all who were near it; some see this as a symbol of our prayers and how they are a sweet aroma rising up to God, other see it as symbol of Jesus’ experience as the ultimate priest. We tell them about the gold, a very valuable gift, one that the family would have certainly treasured; some see this gift as a symbol of Jesus being King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
Remembering these gifts, we give our children 3 gifts: a practical gift (like the myrrh), an experiential gift (like the frankincense), and a gold gift (a gift they really wanted). These were the gifts this year:
Evan: pajamas and a shirt (okay, that’s two things. But, I wrapped them together.), a coupon good for a day with Daddy to see the Battleship New Jersey, and a oogly gears kit to build a robot.
Ashlyn: her desk chair (finally!) painted red (she’s had the unfinished chair for a while and we have never gotten around to painting it!), a coupon good for two tickets to see Charlotte’s Web at a children’s theater, and a playing school set she desperately wanted.
Drew: pirate bed sheets, a coupon good for a day with Daddy to go to the Adventure Aquarium (already cashed in this week!), and (drumroll, please) a Nintendo DS (We nearly got it for free used, still in the box! He has barely put it down!)
Of course, the rest of the family spoils them, and they always end up with lots of gifts. But, we hope our 3-gift tradition will be something that reminds them of the spiritual significance of exhanging gifts.
My gosh….Your kids have grown a foot since I’ve seen them. Love the Christmas jammies. You better be posting Bond Girl pics soon! Have fun!!!
LOVE this tradition!! LOVE it!
Such a great tradition, and makes for easy Christmas shopping. Love Ashlyn’s crazy morning hairdo. And is that Mark in a Santa suit? Maybe I should get him to be Santa for our Christmas party next year! LOL
I have never seen a better bed head on anyone than Ashlyn! Merry Christmas, dear friend…may this be our last Christmas without our China Angels!
Oh…and I am with Lisa…there’d better be some Bond pics very soon!
I love the symbolism of the three gifts. What a great idea!