well, they did today at least. We took the kids after church to a Civil War reenactment at a historic mansion/property not far from home. Check it out here. We got there right as the battle was starting. The kids were a little confused about why they didn’t look like army guys (I think they were picturing G. I. Joe) and who the yucky guys and the good guys were (not too easy to explain that Americans were fighting Americans). But, they loved the guns and the canons and the guys dying on the field. The South won this battle–Mark said they take turns who gets to win. The highlight of the experience was meeting Abe Lincoln. The kids know a little bit about who he is. Drew knows nothing beyond the previews to Night at the Museum which shows the Lincoln Memorial talking (a scene the kids really like…and imitate over and over and over again). But, Drew proudly posed with the guy–the other kids were too shy. We walked around and checked out the tents (these reenactors actually stay there all weekend in authentic Civil War-like tents, etc.) and got some penny candy before heading to the Y for the second time this weekend for a swim and then a fun little joint for a quick dinner. What a fun family day today after a busy weekend. Makes me look forward to more fun days this summer.
Wow! you had a wonderful busy day! I love the picture of drew with the soldiers. He looks soo tiny next to Abe.
okay the picture with ol’honest Abe too much! LOL