Evan was envious that Ashlyn got to take Casey the box turtle to the pet show at her school. Over dinner a few days ago, he said that he wanted to take Casey to school too. I told him that they only way he’d be allowed to do that is if he was able to teach the class about the turtle. He thought about that for a little while; that typically is way out of his comfort zone. “But, what do I say?” He said. So, we practiced. He got a nice little repertoire about how we know Casey is a girl, what she eats, how she hibernates in the water….Then, we emailed his teacher. She was excited about the idea and said it could be the kids “kidwriting” topic of the day. Evan will teach them about the turtle. Then, the kids will have to journal about it. He was pretty excited about it–a little nervous too. “What do I do with it when I get to class?” But, he was all smiles when we got to school and everybody wanted to see what he had. I wish I could be a fly on the wall and hear his presentation. Probably best that I’m not there–I’d probably be snapping pictures like crazy and crying at the same time. I’m so proud of him for doing this.
wanna be popular?
bring a turtle to school.
No kidding. I can imagine you would be be bawling. I just started crying reading that! (I think I’m emotional or something)I guess I can relate to the torture it is to be “shy” and know that after conquering that fear how much stronger he’ll feel! Way to go Evan!
–Can I borrow that turtle? I wanna be popular…
The Hellers love Casey! We have some pictures of her from last week – Take Your Pet To School Day. My kiddies want a box turtle bad, but a trip to the local pet store let us know that Casey was worth $149.00! So we will hold off until a free one comes along. Isn’t it great the your family helps each other overcome fears. Even Casey, a tiny little box turtle, helped Evan out. That’s great!
I saw your comment on RQ about Kings email from his agency. We also have the same email, worded exactly the same. I tried to PM both you and King but it would not allow me to send.(not sure why)
Are you with a small China only agecny?
You can contact me joyjake99@aol.com
He looks awfully proud! Can’t wait to hear how it all turned out!
You’re such a great mom Kelly! Handled like a pro. OH Yeah…Evan is a sweetie too…of course…:) I’m glad to hear someone else cries over the sweet things kids do. :) I guess if they’re yours it’s doubly hard..:)
I love the turtle post. He looks like he was very happy! It made me blog about my fish.
Awww….that’s awesome Kelly! I felt the same way when Nathan volunteered to talk about his collection at the boyscouts meeting. I was so proud!…..and yes, snapping pictures and getting teary. He looks very proud to show off his turtle to all his friends….look at them swarming! Hey, is that Shinear next to him? I don’t know how to spell his name, but he was in Nathans class last year.
That is soooo sweet! What a great story!
Its funny that you said the thing about crying, because as I was reading it…I WAS GETTING TEARY! So fun! WAY TO GO EVAN!
Yeah for Evan AND Mom! You’ve worked so hard to help Evan overcome his shyness. What a testimony to all of your hard work this is. So excited for Evan and his courage to do this. Way to go!!!