Got this devotion in my inbox today. It was written by Van Walton. The Scripture used is “…we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus…” Ephesians 2:10 (NIV):
My amazing husband can do anything. He’s a fix-it man. There isn’t anything he can’t repair or create. He rebuilds damaged computers for family and friends, repairs weed eaters and garage door openers for neighbors, and rescues broken furniture from trash heaps. Recently he brought a chair home from a dinner party. It wasn’t a gift and we didn’t steal it. Someone sat in it and broke it!
After two days of taking the chair apart – performing what looked like orthopedic surgery to me, you know when pins and screws are inserted to keep bones and joints from further damage — followed by a little gluing, sanding, and staining, the chair looked brand new.
“Wow!” I said, impressed.
“Sit in it and rock back,” he encouraged.
“Rock back? I don’t think so! What if I break it?”
“Oh, believe me. You won’t.”
“How do you know?” I asked, not convinced.
“I know how I designed it. I know the pressure points and how much stress it can take” he responded with a smile of confidence. “Go on. Sit in it and rock back.”
I sat down and rocked back.
The chair was solid. I don’t care who sits in it, or how they land in it now, it will not break.
I think about the times we don’t believe we can handle any more stress. The pressure seems overwhelming and we cry, “Time out! I can’t take any more!”
God responds, “Trust me. You will not be destroyed. I know your pressure points. I know how much stress you can take. I know how I designed you.”
I cannot describe the peace I felt when I related the work of my husband’s hands to the work of God’s hand.
Of course He knows how much I can take. After all He is my Creator, the one who bent down by the river and fashioned me with His hands. He’s the one who knit me together in the depths of my mother’s womb, the one who is called the Potter.
He knows the exact temperature needed in the kiln to create the perfect clay vessel. He knows how hot the fire must be to separate the dross from the silver and gold. He knows how much pressure a diamond or emerald must withstand in order for it to come forth solid and brilliant. He knows how long the irritant must sit in an oyster before it becomes a pearl.
My Father knows exactly how much I can take. He knows because He designed me. With that realization I am able to trust Him and smile at the future, no matter how hard life is today.
just beautiful.