I’m hosting a giveaway for adoptive moms or waiting adoptive moms. It’s for a cd made up of my adoption music playlist. These songs include encouraging songs for the wait, songs specific to adoption, as well as some songs about parenting in general. These are my personal pics, so many of them are Christian songs. If you want to be included in a drawing for a free cd collection of the songs to encourage you, please leave a comment with your name and where you are in the adoption process. I’ll do the drawing in 1 week. I’m hoping to have some fun myself doing this as well as encourage you out of the winter blues…or waiting blues!
MUSIC! Please put my name in the hat! :) I love music–but especially love music that is referred to me by a friend as a favorite. I loved your “request for favorite music a while back”. Infact, I have a copy of the list of favorites from our JULY LIDr’s group in a word doc, so I can reference it when i have a few pennies to spend on music.
As far as the wait–I have seen so many encouraging post on RQ lately about things picking up. I know not to get our hopes up–but the WCP also has seen some surprising referral batches too. So, I pray…the rumors are true and things pick up A LOT after March 06 famlies are matched!
Sorry Kelly–I forgot to put our status in the process–but you already know. We are still in the NSN line, but have applied and been accepted to the Waiting Children Program.
I would love to be in the hat as well! We have completed Lian’s adoption and are about to get our orders to move…again. After that, I think we are going to be starting the process all over again to become a family of 6 as well.
if its for ALL adoptive moms I will but myself in there too. If not, let me know the song you have on there so I can find them too. CUTE IDEA!
I’m super interested, I’m a waiting adoptive mom who has had two adoptions fall through… We’re back in the “waiting to be picked” phase again. My heart is so ready and I LOVE music!!