Today marks 18 months from the time our paperwork for adopting our next child was logged into the system at the China Center for Adoption Affairs. In that time, 18 months, the CCAA has only issued children to about 3 1/2 months worth of families. Ugh. So, when we started, we were anticipating a 2 year wait. Now, we have no idea how long our wait will be. 2 more years? 3 more years? More? It’s hard to say. Many people are changing countries, adopting from the waiting children list (typically older or special needs children), or are dropping out completely. We are committed to waiting this out, but we do wish we knew what that meant. There are rumors that the “climate” at the offices of the CCAA is looking good and that they are implying that things are going to pick up soon. I really hope that that is true.
Ah…Kelly…I so pray for all of us it does pick up. It’s excruciating! Truly. I wish I could twitch my nose like bewitch and make it better for everyone. I think this entire journey for all of us is a challenge of the kind we can not imagine before we take the first step, but by the time we take the last step of this journey, and the first step of life with our daughters home…we are stronger, more resilient, more courageous warriors of God. It doesn’t make it easier to do the journey, but the thought of what this process has done for me in the most unexpected ways–does make it easier. I too hit a “tough spot” in our journey, just this weekend. My mom so wisely told me, as i tearfully expressed my fears and frustrations with her, “Now Lisa, what good does it do for you to get yourself all worked up like this? Just calm down, do what needs to be done and take it one day at a time. It will all fall in place and all for the better–at any moment.” She is so right. So, I’m off to do my day, and just try to hang in there. Hope you too, can find the courage to take a deep breath and exhale and relax in the glory of the beauty that God has made for you in laying this spirit of adoption on your heart. You are such a beautiful person, mom, wife and woman….you deserve so much…know that and find peace in that my friend.
Lisa A