Please don’t slam me on the blog here–but, we don’t really do Santa in this house. Our kids know how Santa is, love seeing Santa decorations, even read some Santa books and watch Santa shows. BUT, we teach them that Santa is pretend and just a game some people play at Christmas. (For those readers who still believe in Santa, sorry.) As of late, however, Evan (6 years old) has been talking as if Santa is real. He knows that he is not, but he really wants him to be real. It’s funny how our hearts are programmed to long for the supernatural, something beyond ourselves. He even informed me that the elves dress up as real people and go to stores to buy the gifts that they can’t make like video games (hmm…can you guess what Evan is dreaming about getting?). So, Evan loved this little video I showed him today on the computer. We had a good laugh about it. And, I was happy that after I surprised him with it, he asked me to make one for Ashlyn. If you have 2 minutes, go here and check it out!
I sure hope no one “blast you” for doing what you feel is right for your family and fits within your belief system. I think you’re right, children yearn to believe in something outside of themselves that is bigger than them and is Good! I think this is becaue their innocent way of looking at life–means they can feel the holy spirit like we as adults can not, as the physical world drowns out the spirit of life. I believe this is why Santa is so popular–and I believe Santa is so popular with parents, because they remember those days of innocent spirituality, and want that for their kids. However, Jesus offers this same spiritual spirit and children are so in-tune with that as well–and absorb it like candy! It’s a beautiful thing. I respect your decision, and respect how you’re handling this issue with your children.
Merry CHRISTmas to you my friend. And Happy Birthday Jesus.
Good for you. My best friend does the same thing. We do have Santa bring the kids 3 presents each and that is it. We don’t “talk up Santa” and make sure we emphasize that Christmas is special because of Jesus. Sarah likes to watch Santa videos and to see him from afar. She does ask what night Santa will come but is more excited for our birthday celebration for Jesus. After all, Santa only comes once a year but Jesus is with us always.