I haven’t won an essay contest since I was a senior in high school applying for college scholarships. So, I was very excited to get a letter in the mail today with a check for $50 for winning an essay contest from Chester County Press entitled “Why I Love My Library.” I saw a flyer about it in the summer and wrote a little something that day. I just felt like doing it for fun. It was so long ago that I figured I hadn’t won. So, I was pretty happy when I got the check in the mail today. Here’s the essay:
“As I watched my 4-year-old daughter proudly prance around with a bug headband on, complete with big white construction paper eyes and black pipe cleaner antennae, I was reminded of why I love the library so much.
When we walk in the doors of our local library, something magical happens, perhaps more for me than my three children. When we are in the library, I take a step back to a simpler time, remembering my own childhood, a childhood minus cell phones, text messaging, xbox and playstation and wii (are those the ones everyone is playing now?), and a stressful schedule of one activity after another. When we are in the library, we leave all that behind, and my children get excited about books, simply books. We search for books on princesses, battleships, ballet, and army guys. We look for books on trains, ladybugs, fighter planes, and princesses (did I mention princesses?). I squeeze myself into a tiny chair at a tiny table, and I read to them. And, when I read to them, all is well. The things that distract me from being with my kids (work, laundry, phone calls, cleaning, more laundry…need I go on?) disappear, and I enjoy them and reading the books. I have even learned a thing or two myself. I can’t say I could ever before name all of Spiderman’s villains or identify all the life stages of a butterfly. And, while I’m learning these things, so are my kids. Maybe being able to rattle off the superhero’s enemies won’t make my 6-year-old son a well respected professional one day. But, he sure does love it. And, while he is, he is learning to love books, books that may help him become the scientist he wants to become.
I love my library. Yes, it looks a bit different than it looked when I was in grade school. Card catalogs are now sold at antique shows. And, the children’s library has a handful of computer stations complete with adorable animal-looking headphones. But, I love the library for what it does for us and for me. It’s an oasis from the chaos of 2008 outside its doors. Inside, we are able to be together and learn together. And, I love knowing that no matter what new catalog may exist 30 years from now, my children will bring their children there and remember our sweet time together when all that mattered were trains, planes, ladybugs, and princesses.”
It’s no professional journal article like the ones I edit. But, I’m happy that someone appreciated it enough to make it first prize. :)
wow! congrats!
Congrats Kelly! I think your a great writer and I share the same feelings about going to the library. Although we don’t go too much during the school year, It’s definitely a favorite summer activity for my kids.
Great job, Kelly! And congratulations! That was well-written, and very entertaining. You deserved the win!
LOVE IT!!! Congrats to you! So far I’ve looked at those contests and only thought about them. Maybe next time I’ll give it a go! I feel the same way about our local library. We go about once a week and could stay for hours! :)