One may think that mini golf is a harmless sport, a fun way to spend the afternoon. However, I must point out that I actually managed to get injured twice during this nonintimidating game. I hesitate to tell about the first time since I assume my younger sister will read this and will have a whole different account of the event. But, the facts are these–summer of 1991; family game of mini golf while vacationing at the beach; at the very first hole, my mother tells my younger sister to “hit it hard;” Erin proceeds with a Tiger-Woodsian swing and hits me on the eye with her club. The story really doesn’t end there since my dad then took me to some crazy beach clinic where some “doctor” who barely spoke English proceeded to stitch up the corner of my eye. My stomach turns just thinking of it now. Okay, so back to present day. I have only played mini golf once since that scary day in 1991. Now, my mom-in-law was here helping me with the kids and I get the clever idea to take them to mini golf. For some unknown reason, the golf course is about 100 degrees hotter than the temperature off the course. And, my eldest child managed to hit me smack in the shin with his club, making me the first known person to have a 66% chance of injury playing miniature golf. I’ve got a nice black and blue lump on my left leg. (Note that I am kindly sparing you any pictures.) Perhaps they should put me in the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum for that. That would make Evan happy.
okay okay…yes…this did happen. And due to the fact that is blog is following another putt putt injury I will conceed that I Erin Hamson…or is that Erin Woods did nearly knock Kelly out cold during a putt putt outing. You would think by now she would get a clue…don’t play putt putt.