We saw it. All 6 of us. And, it was really good. Monsters Inc. is my favorite Disney movie of all time, and Monsters University is the perfect pre-dittion to my favorite. Everyday this week, it’s sorta been the buzz around here.
From our Mike Wazowski (or Mike Wa-owski, as Lydia calls him) cookies (made out of Oreos dipped in green candy melt topped with a white chocolate melting chocolate disc for the eye with a candy dot that you peel off a paper–gotta love that stuff–and a cut licorice lace mouth–that’s the best I could do) to our very own scare games.
Round 1: every. single. ball. we. could. find. spread out on our living room floor for a friendly little race. Step on a ball, and they had to jump on one foot the rest of the way.
Round 2: a fun game of who-can-mommy-hear-coming-to-capture-their-flag-while-she-works (once you see the movie, you’ll totally get that. And, no, I did not yell and turn into a 50 ft. monster…at least this time). We learned it’s incredibly hard to be unheard on old hardwood floors.
Round 3: a little Hide and Shriek, of course (Drew won that one crunched behind toy boxes under his bed…thankfully not stuck there)
and, finally, Round 4: the grand finale, a little game we made up to scare the gajeebers out of each other.
I wrapped some alphabet blocks in paper (can you tell I did this with great care?). One named who would be scared (6 sided block worked for us). One named where that person would be scared—if the scarer rolled “2 in bunk bed” or “2 in attic,” he or she got to roll a second victim. The last dice named what the person was scared of—we just made these up based on ones from the movie (clowns was a goodie). Then, everybody got some chances to scare…which we recorded (why do I still want to use the word videotape?) for judging purposes, of course (and maybe so I could email it out to Daddy to show him how we spend our day while he’s working hard.)
Anyone know when Monsters University will be out on DVD? Yeah, we’re already asking.