I read an article–no, not an article, just a short announcement really–on a Chinese website that showed this precious bundle.
Look at the feet of the people looking around at her. I count at least 5 people there when someone snapped this picture using their cell phone no doubt. She was found during what we’d call “rush hour,” though I’m tempted to say that nearly every hour in a busy Chinese city seems like “rush hour.” So, these are the 5 who lingered long enough to be captured in this photo. I wonder if they saw someone carrying this box to this place and gently setting it down to then turn and walk away, but they didn’t even realize it. Maybe someone saw someone holding the bundle and a bag full of what the birth family clearly carefully considered they’d leave with her–it clearly took some careful consideration just by the sight of it and what you don’t see is that there was a fairly large amount of money left with her as well. I wonder if any passerby smiled at the person as they set out for this particular spot, giving that silent gesture of, “awww, what a sweet child.” If so, I wonder if the person bringing the little girl there even saw the smiles or if he or she was simply on a mission to complete what they felt must be done and never noticed even a glance. I wonder if when she was silently sleeping and everything was placed just right, if the person bringing her there paused. I wonder if he or she paused, simply paused to admire her again before turning away, walking away…maybe running away. I wonder if he or she watched from a safe distance. I wonder if he or she saw when she was first found, when someone snapped a picture.
It wasn’t long ago that I read the announcement and took pause when I saw the picture of an unidentified child whose identity someone tried to protect by hiding her eyes. But, I guess it’s long enough ago now that the announcement is no longer posted. The original link doesn’t even work. Just sort of fits with the rest of the story. Even her finding can no longer be found.
tissues please…
I can’t fathom the reasons. There’s no way I can even start to image how it would feel.
God loves her so so so so much. I want her to feel His embrace.
You don’t have to post this comment if you think it’s too controversial–but–I had to share it.
I’m sure this image shocks many. It did me–even with my knowledge of this happening a 1/2 a world away. The first time I saw an image like this–it broke my heart into pieces–the thing I had imagined from the things I had read about these abandonments–was now in front of me in living full color. I never get used to it and it continues to break my heart for everyone concerned!
The situation is so complicated and especially complicated because of the vastly different cultures we live in and one that is not easily resolved. In our hearts, or in anyway.
Although we all feel like it’s a fundamentally easy answer–“just love your children no matter what, what’s so hard about that concept.”–it’s not that easy. Life is just not that simple–it’s why we need our faith and God to guide us through these messy–incomprehensible situations.
It is through that faith that we have HOPE that no matter what happens–to this child or to their birth family–that they it will all happen as it should. Without that faith–let’s face it–this situation is just plain hopeless.
Wondering…is right! The not knowing the answers to your questions part is something this child and millions of other orphans struggle with everyday. That is soooo deeply sad to me.
But, again–I believe when we pray for them–God whispers in their ear–and comforts their frightened and sad hearts. And I prays brings them all to a place of peace.
My Izabella was not an infant when she was abandoned. She was what they thought was 10 months old–but I believe she was older. Her heart defect made her look much younger than she really was. As we make our way through these questions for her–her memories are stronger and her reality is the “wondering” although the full emotional complexity of this traumatic event in her life have not hit her yet–she is sad–and this mother has no way of taking that sadness away. All I can do is be there for her, love her and pray for God to continue to comfort her heart–and help her find her way through this.
I always wondered what this sight would look like. When we were in China, I was looking for this…wondering if I would be the one to find such a sweet treasure. This is unbelievable.
My girls have been asking a lot of questions lately about this very thing. They are having a hard time wrapping the little heads around this concept….abandonment and what it looks like. I must say, this picture, this reality, pretty much takes my breath away…..
All the questions you pose are very similar to my own.
(I would love to repost this on my blog.)
Thank you for that link. I think I may blog post about this as well.
What a “worth a 1000 words” picture.
What a sad story. You hope that children are loved, but we know that it isn’t true for every child. Thanks for the reminder that children need love and that not every child is born into warm, capable arms.
Wow. I’m not a religious person but right now I am saying lots of prayers for that little baby.
I’ve never seen a picture like this and it just hurts me so much.
It breaks my heart into a million pieces because it could easily be my daughter 8 years ago. I am so grateful to the person who found my daughter and kept her safe. Chinese adoptions have changed so much in the past few years. I would like to know how often babies are still abandoned. The slowdown of adoptions would lead you to believe that it’s not happening much anymore, but I have my doubts. If China isn’t allowing as many adoptions, then what is happening to all of the babies? What will happen to all of the kids already in the orphanages? I just have LOTS of unanswered questions. The one thing I do know is: I am blessed beyond measure to have the most amazing daughter who was born in China and lives with her forever family.